Then Windows Defender reasserted itself today, November 2, 2015, and I followed the same steps. I implemented the following steps on October 7. On another Windows 10 machine I have Windows Defender being active with Norton Security installed was preventing Windows update from functioning. Windows Defender was fully active even though Norton Security had been installed in January, 2015. Set the option to Enabled, then click Okįor more information, see Microsoft's article on the topic.On Octothe Windows Defender icon appeared in the system tray of my Windows 10 system.Double-click Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus.Expand the tree to Windows Components ▸ Windows Defender Antivirus ▸ Real-time protection.In the Group Policy Management Editor, navigate to Computer configuration.Right-click the Group Policy Object and click Edit.On your Group Policy management machine, open the Group Policy Management Console.If you have PowerShell, run the following command: Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defenderįor more information, see Microsoft's article on the topic.In the Remove Roles and Features Wizard, reach the Features step and deselect the Windows Defenders Features option.On the affected device(s), do one of the following: Therefore we cannot turn off Defender during installation, and it will need to be disabled either manually on the device or via Group Policy Object. Microsoft has revoked the API for Server 20 that allowed us to report the presence of our Antivirus, which would cause Windows to automatically disable Windows Defender. Windows Defender will interfere with Avast Business Antivirus on Windows Server 20, and needs to be disabled manually prior to installation.