Witcher 3 reset quest command
Witcher 3 reset quest command

(( I believe the last statement is inaccurate.

witcher 3 reset quest command

In addition, when clicking to move elsewhere, often the game makes to run exactly on top of a nearby (or even further) corpse instead, including in the opposite direction. Corpses also prevent the player from picking up dropped items nearby until they disappear.

  • Slain monster corpses can often obstruct the player from picking up remains, noticeable when the lever cursor is displayed but clicking has no result or the "Remains" text keeps flashing.
  • The Storage acts like a Merchant Interface, so if you have fewer than 1 Oren, you cannot make a withdrawal.) (I just encountered this issue myself, and it occurs when you have 0 Orens in your inventory. In some cases when you store items once the items are stored, attempting to retrieve them results in a no-op and you cannot get your items back.
  • Storage does not allow you to retrieve items.
  • In some cases in Chapter II, if you place the sephirots as soon as you get them the quest will break, rendering the quests A Mysterious Tower and Monoliths uncompletable.
  • Contrary to its description, the Quen Sign renders Geralt invincible rather than providing damage absorption based on Sign level.
  • Shani may disappear completely if in Chapter II you manage to get both the Old Friend of Mine quest to advance to "Bring Liquor" and the Anatomy of a Crime quest to advance to "Get the corpse from the Gravedigger".
  • (Seems to happen when you manually save over an autosave.)
  • When loading some saves in Chapter I, the game plays the cutscene from the beginning and then freezes.
  • Crashes continue to occur when saving or using the Journal or Inventory after having used Alt+Tab or Ctrl+Esc frequently (usually more than ~ 5 times) during a gaming session.
  • If you run the game normally through the launcher, the game may crash after 20 minutes or a few hours of gameplay.
  • See Technical Information for a Vista-specific tip. Others seem to be able to run it without crashing too often.

    witcher 3 reset quest command witcher 3 reset quest command

  • Frequent crashes have been reported by some people playing on Windows Vista.
  • Random crashing, often when (auto)saving.

  • Witcher 3 reset quest command